What Is A Root Canal?


A root canal procedure is designed to remove the bacteria found in the infected canal of your tooth. The purpose is to prevent infection and save the natural tooth. During the procedure, the infected pulp inside your tooth is removed. The pulp is the soft area within the canal of your tooth where the nerves are located. The inside of your tooth is cleaned and then sealed during the procedure. If you need to get a root canal, it’s vital to get the process as soon as possible. Without treatment, the tissue surrounding the tooth will cause significant problems later.

What are the Signs and Symptoms the Procedure is Needed?

There are several reasons why someone may need to get the procedure. It could be due to genetics, a deep cavity, or issues from a past filling. If there is no immediate injury, but you have any of the following symptoms, you may need a root canal.

  • Sensitivity to hot or cold sensations;
  • Pain when chewing or biting down;
  • Chipped or cracked teeth;
  • Swollen or tender gums;
  • Darkened gums; or
  • Pimples on your gums.

If you experience any of these symptoms, contact Star Dental Riverside for an appointment.

What Happens if I Don’t Get Root Canal?

Avoiding the procedure is a significant risk. Your dental health is directly related to your overall health. When the infected pulp in your tooth is not removed, bacteria growth can cause an infection or an abscessed tooth. An abscess is a pus-filled pocket that forms at the end of your tooth’s root. Below you will find some of the major issues an abscess or infection can cause.

  • Bone loss: It could lead to bone loss in your jaw around the tip of the root of your tooth.
  • Swelling: The swelling can spread to your face, neck, or head.
  • Drainage: A hole can appear on the side of the tooth. This can cause the infected pulp and bacteria to drain into your gums, cheek, and skin.

What Happens During the Procedure?

Many people worry about the procedure once they are advised to get it. Our dentists understand the fear and anxiety that people have when it comes to the dentist. They are there to help ease your concerns and get your dental issues taken care of today. It’s also important to remember that the longer you wait for treatment, the worse the condition will get.

The procedure itself is relatively smooth. Some patients describe that it is similar to a regular filling. The tooth can usually be treated in the dental office in one or two treatments depending on the severity of the tooth. The first step in the procedure is to get an X-ray to see the shape the root canals and determine if there is an infection in the surrounding bone. Local anesthesia will be applied to numb the area to ease any pain. A sheet of rubber is then placed around the affected tooth to keep the area dry. A small hole will then be drilled in the tooth. This is how the pulp, bacteria, and decayed nerve tissue are removed. After the removal, the tooth is thoroughly cleaned out and sealed back up.

What to Expect After Root Canal

Most patients are able to return to their regular activities after the procedure. The numbing will take about two to four hours to wear off after the procedure. With that, patients should avoid eating until the numbness has worn off.

Root canals are common and have highly successful outcomes. The procedure has more than a 95% success rate. The benefit of the procedure is that it often lasts a lifetime as long as you keep up with an excellent oral hygiene routine.

Root Canals At Star Dental Riverside

With the top dentists in the region, friendly staff, and state-of-the-art facilities, each patient will get first-class treatment at Star Dental Riverside. With over 60 years of combined experience, the dentists in Riverside can help with all of your dental needs. Contact the office today for an appointment!

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